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Advised on the extent to which the licensee can use the licensor’s character for the purpose of attracting investment

D’LIGHT Law Group consulted on whether a customer who has entered into a character license agreement with an affiliate of a large corporation could use the licensor’s character and information about the licensor for the purpose of cloud funding. The biggest point that a licensee with a short career can appeal to potential investors is that it has obtained a license to run a business for popular characters, so it was necessary to expose information about the license in attracting investment. The use of characters was necessary to induce the visual interest of investors. Even though there is a clause prohibiting the use of character IP for purposes other than the purpose of the contract in the licensor contract, D’LIGHT Law Group reasonably interprets the scope of use of information about characters and licensors according to the copyright law and commercial practices, without violating the license agreement. By organizing the form and information of images that can be exposed, we advised customers to successfully complete cloud funding.

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